S. Christina Boyd
Neurodevelopmental Therapist
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant
Educational Kinesiologist
Master Practitioner, NeuroLinguistic Programming
I have always been a problem solver with a natural ability to observe patterns and recognize possibilities. As an identical twin, the product of a broken home, living in seven different states by the time I was 12, and connected to two different groups that identified themselves as out of the mainstream, I had direct involvement with countless people and how they thought, believed, and behaved. I was fascinated with the inner workings of a person and wanted to know why and how a personality developed. The mind captivated me and these life experiences launched me into psychology, specifically the body and mind connection, and how real transformation takes place.
My first introduction to movement and personal change came when I received my bachelor’s degree in dance. As I began teaching, I observed the incredible changes in confidence, awareness, and happiness that both adults and children experienced.
In 1989 I discovered NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and found that our perspectives, beliefs, and habits could be changed rather simply – by moving things around in the mind! This was a revelation. I immersed myself in NLP and received my Master Certification in 1990. For the following three years I continued my NLP training with multiple courses and assistantships, opening my NLP practice in Flagstaff in 1992. During these early years I was also introduced to Brain Gym®, a profound experience that led me to become a licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant in 1994. As I brought these two modalities together, I found that change can be simple and comfortable, yet deep and lasting.
My private practice includes private sessions for both adults and children, group classes, and I offer trainings and workshops to teachers, counselors, health care professionals, hospitals, and small businesses. Brain Gym®, movement therapy, and NLP are all evolving disciplines and I’m always excited to bring new concepts, knowledge, and techniques to my practice as it continues to expand.
My style of therapy is unique and effective, built from the trust, honesty, and courage of my clients. I continue to be humbled by the willingness of the hundreds of adults and children who invite me into the parts of their lives filled with despair, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction – and then walk with me out into the sunlight.