
AFPC Members

Thank you for your interest in Brain Gym® and other integrative movement therapies provided by Highpoint Mind & Movement. Our bodies and our brains are designed to move and they rely on movement for optimal functioning at every level: physical, emotional, and mental. Movement, in its many forms, is what integrates the complex functions of our brain/body systems.

Neural Stimulation for Brain Health and Balance

Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition Member Meeting

March 17, 2022


Whole Brain Integration

Integrative movement, the basis of my work, activates the brain in multiple ways and re-wires neural pathways to create Whole Brain Integration – the optimal functioning of the brain-body system. Read more →

  • Jeffrey's Caregiver

    “Jeffrey has become more stable and his balance and speech patterns have improved greatly. He says “the class is like physical therapy for the part of me that is inside my skull.” I used to help him on a continual basis in the class – with balance, standing up, getting his water, understanding the moves, right and left, coordination, and positioning. Now I only have to assist him occasionally. I continue to see him grow with the help of this class.”

  • Rebecca D.

    “After attending this class for some time, I feel vibrant and alive. It has helped physically for sure but I was a confused mess in my head before and now I can think clearly and feel I am in control of my day.”

  • Harold's Caregiver

    “I can CLEARLY see a difference in Harold after each class. He has severe aphasia and really struggles with speaking. What I have been observing since beginning this class, is that he is using words I have not heard from him in years and I can actually understand what he is trying to say. He went through extensive therapy during the first year after the stroke in 2010 and quit. He did not get the results he is getting now.”

  • Sally K.

    “Thank so much for the class on left/right integration. I gained so much depth perception and peripheral vision!”

  • Claire C.

    “Learning these techniques has helped me avoid falling when getting in and out of the bathtub. In addition, I am more coordinated and flexible and can now walk down stairs in a straight line.”Description goes here

  • Karin G.

    “I feel more grounded, fluid, balanced, and confident when walking, hiking, gardening, doing anything. I have realized that if I want to maintain my mobility as I age, I better stick with this class!”

Highpoint Mind & Movement works with Parents, Counselors, At-Risk Service Providers, Teachers, Occupational & Physical Therapists, and Individuals. S. Christina Boyd provides adjunct therapy and offers classes, workshops, and presentations on a variety of topics, including balance and fall prevention. Her private clientele includes children, teens, and adults.