BIAAZ Community
Thank you for your interest in Brain Gym® and other integrative movement therapies provided by Highpoint Mind & Movement. Our bodies and our brains are designed to move and they rely on movement for optimal functioning at every level: physical, emotional, and mental. Movement, in its many forms, is what integrates the complex functions of our brain/body systems.
Whole Brain Integration
Integrative movement, the basis of my work, activates the brain in multiple ways and re-wires neural pathways to create Whole Brain Integration – the optimal functioning of the brain-body system. Read more →
Highpoint Mind & Movement works with Parents, Counselors, At-Risk Service Providers, Teachers, Occupational & Physical Therapists, and Individuals. S. Christina Boyd provides adjunct therapy and offers classes, workshops, and presentations on a variety of topics, including balance and fall prevention. Her private clientele includes children, teens, and adults.